Saudi Society of Breast and Endocrine Surgery
الجمعية السعودية
لجراحة الثدي والغدد الصماء

Welcome Message
The Saudi Society for Breast and Endocrine Surgery (SSBES) was established in 2021 to be the scientific organization that gather all practitioners interested in this specialty and act on promoting the practice of breast and endocrine surgery according to the highest standards by helping practitioners in this field to keep up with the latest surgical updates, as well as to facilitating scientific meetings and research in the same field. In addition to working on discovering and promoting the best treatments for breast and endocrine diseases, and assisting the Saudi community in understanding aspects of these diseases.
Prof. Saif Al Sobhi
Society President

Scientific Events

المؤتمر السنوي الأول للجمعية السعودية لجراحة الثدي والغدد الصماء 6-8 أكتوبر 2023
The 1st Annual Saudi Society of Breast & Endocrine Surgery Conference 6-8 Oct 2023
البرنامج العلمي
Scientific Program
Previous Events

Membership Benefits
Joining the Saudi Society for Breast and Endocrine Surgery will allow you to become part of this surgical community. Being a society member will allow you to network with professionals and who share your skills and passions, you will get engaged to the national and international leaders of the specialty. Members will be continuously updated about conferences and educational events related to the field.